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Savings Accounts

Save for the things you can pour your Heart and soul into.

Whether you’re saving for an upcoming vacation or for your retirement, you’ve got plenty of ways to watch your savings grow. Explore our savings account solutions and start saving today!

Christmas Club Accounts

Never be caught empty-handed at Christmas again! Our Christmas Club accounts are easy to set up and are the best bet in town.

Share Account

When you become a Heart of Louisiana member, you automatically receive a Savings Account.

IRA Share Accounts

Individual Retirement Accounts are great tools that allow you to prepare for retirement, no matter what age you are.

Money Market Share Accounts

When you become a Heart of Louisiana member, you automatically receive a Savings Account.

IRA Share Certificates

Individual Retirement Certificates give you an added bonus while saving for retirement.

Money Market Share Certificate

Money Market Share Certificates offer a better savings option over our basic Savings Account.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 800-264-4562. We’re happy to help.